As Obama Hits the road for yet another pivot to Jobs, a look
at how his policies have worked for Americans so far.
$46.5 Trillion:
Total Federal Spending Proposed By
Obama’s FY2014 Budget Through 2023. (OMB, 4/10/13)
$25. 4 Trillion:
Projected Federal Debt In 2023 Due
To Obama’s Binge Spending. (OMB, 4/10/13)
$16.8 Trillion:
Current National Debt ($ 16,780,900,194.10 ). (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 5/8/13)
$8.5 Trillion:
Amount Obama’s FY2014 Budget Would
Add To The Debt Through FY2023. (OMB, 4/10/13)
$7 Trillion:
Cumulative Deficits Over
FY2013-2022. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$6.2 Trillion:
Added To The National Debt Since
Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 5/8/13)
$4.9 Trillion:
Total Interest Payments On The
National Debt Due To Obama’s Proposed Budget, FY2014-2023. (OMB, 4/10/13)
$2.6 Trillion:
True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully
Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The
U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)
$1.9 Trillion:
Higher Taxes In Obama’s Budget. (OMB, 7/27/12)
$1.75 Trillion:
Annual Cost Of Federal
Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
$1.5 Trillion:
Total Tax Increases In The Senate
Democrat Budget. (The Wall Street Journal, 3/14/13)
$1.413 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009
– Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$1.3 Trillion:
Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage
Provisions From 2013 To 2023. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$1.296 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2011
– Second Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$1.294 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010
– Third Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$1.26 Trillion:
American Debt Held By China. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 5/8/13)
$1.2 Trillion:
Total New Taxes On American
Families And Businesses In Obama’s Budget. (OMB, 4/10/13)
$1.09 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2012
– Fourth Highest In U.S. History.
(CBO, 2/5/13)
$845 Billion:
Projected Federal Budget Deficit
For FY2013 – Fifth Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$841.3 Billion:
$833 Billion:
Price Tag Of Obama’s First Failed
Stimulus. (CBO, 8/23/12)
$716 Billion:
Amount Of Medicare Cuts In
ObamaCare. ( Letter From Congressional Budget Office To Speaker John Boehner , 7/24/12)
$518 Billion:
Amount Of Regulatory Burden Since
Obama Took Office. (American Action Forum, 1/14/13)
$290 Billion:
U.S. Trade Deficit With China In
2012. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 5/8/13)
$236.7 Billion:
Amount Of Regulatory Burden In
2012. (American Action Forum, 1/14/13)
$130 Billion:
Amount Employers Will Pay In
ObamaCare Mandated Penalties From 2013 To 2022. (CBO, 2/5/13)
$74.6 Billion:
Amount The Government Spent On
Food Stamps In 2012, “Roughly Equivalent To The Combined Budgets Of The
Department Of Homeland Security, The Justice Department And The Department Of
The Interior.” (The Wall Street Journal, 3/27/13)
111 Million:
Paperwork Burden Hours Added Due To
ObamaCare. (AAF, 3/25/13)
86.8 Million:
Amount Of Paperwork Burden Hours
Imposed By Federal Government Regulations In 2012. (American Action Forum, 1/14/13)
47.8 Million:
Americans Receiving Food Stamps. (Department Of Agriculture, 4/5/13)
21.9 Million:
Americans Unemployed,
Underemployed Or Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
11.7 Million:
Unemployed Americans. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
7.9 Million:
Americans Working Part-Time For
Economic Reasons. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
7 Million:
Amount Of Americans Who Will Lose
Their Employer-Based Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (CBO, 2/5/13)
3.3 Million:
As Of March 2013, Number Of
Mortgages Either 30 Days Delinquent Or In Foreclosure. (Lender Processing Services, 4/23/13)
Discouraged Workers Who Have
Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama
Took Office. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Unemployed Veterans. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since
Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Unemployed Post-9/11 Era Veterans. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Shortage Of Doctors By 2015 Due To
ObamaCare. (The New York Times, 7/28/12)
Your Share Of The National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 5/8/13; U.S.
Census Bureau, Accessed 5/8/13)
Increase In Your Share Of The
National Debt Since Obama Took Office.
(U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 5/8/13; U.S.
Census Bureau, Accessed 5/8/13)
Average Cost Of Family Health Care
Premiums, A $3,065 Increase Since Obama Took Office. (The Kaiser Family Foundation, 2012)
Women Who Have Lost Manufacturing
Jobs In The Past 3 Years. (The Wall Street Journal, 3/26/13)
Pages Of New Rules Added To The
Federal Register During Obama’s First Three Years In Office. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2012)
Year That Federal Debt Will Reach
200 Percent Of GDP. (CBO,
Year That The Social Security
Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted. (
The Trustees Of Social Security & Medicare ,
Year That Medicare’s Trust Fund
Will Be Exhausted. ( The Trustees Of Social Security & Medicare ,
Year That Debt Held By The Public
Will Reach $19.9 Trillion. (CBO, 2/5/13)
Year The CBO Expects The
Unemployment Rate To Finally Dip Below 7.5 Percent. (CBO, 2/5/13)
The Last Time The Labor Force
Participation Rate Was As Low As It Has Been In The Last Two Months. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Number Of Waivers Granted To
Unions And Businesses So That ObamaCare Would Not Outlaw Their Health Care
Plans. (, Accessed 5/8/13)
Number Of Regulations In The Obama
Administration Pipeline That Would Impact Small Businesses. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2012)
Number Of Regulations Proposed By
Obama During First Three Years That Have An Economic Impact Of Over $100
Million. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2012)
Increase In The Average Price Per
Gallon Of Gas Since Obama Took Office. (U.S.
Energy And Information Administration, Accessed 5/8/13)
Small Businesses That Could Be
Forced To Change Health Care Plans As A Result Of ObamaCare. (Federal Register, 6/17/10)
Federal Debt Held By The Public As
Share Of GDP By The End Of FY2013 – “The Largest Percentage Since 1950.” (CBO, 2/5/13)
The Amount By Which New Offshore
Leases For Oil And Natural Gas Drilling Has Declined Under Obama. (, 10/19/12)
“Percent Of The Population That
Lives In A Household Where At Least One Member Received Some Type Of
Government Benefit In The First Quarter Of 2011.” ( The Wall Street Journal
, 5/26/12)
Average Number Of Weeks That It
Takes To Find A Job. (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Accessed 5/8/13)
House Democrats Who Voted Against
The Senate Democrat Budget. (H.
Con. Res. 25, Roll Call Vote #83, Failed 154-261: R 0-226: D
154-35: 3/20/13)
Amount By Which Natural Gas
Production On Federal Lands Has Fallen Since 2007. ( Congressional Research Service , 3/7/13)
Increase In Healthcare Premiums
From ObamaCare. (Society Of Actuaries, 3/2013)
Amount By Which Social Security
Outlays Will Account For All Government Spending In 2014. (CBO, 2/5/13)
Increase In The Average Cost Of
Family Health Care Premiums Under Obama. (The Kaiser
Family Foundation, 2012)
Cut To Medicare Benefits When
Trust Fund Is Exhausted. (House
Ways & Means Committee Hearing, 6/22/11)
Real (U-6) Unemployment Rate. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
African American Unemployment
Rate. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Hispanic Unemployment Rate. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
U-3 Unemployment Rate. (Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Accessed 5/8/13)
Record Number Of Years Of +$1
Trillion Deficits On Obama’s Watch. (The Hill, 9/10/12)
Senate Democrats Who Voted Against
The Patty Murray (D-WA) Budget. (
S. Con. Res. 8 , Roll Call Vote #92, Passed
50-49: R 0-45: D 49-4: I 1-0: 3/23/12)
Out Of 5 Budgets That Obama Has
Submitted Late. ( The Hill ‘s On The
Money , 1/14/13)
Whether items that are measurable and tangible; or more
subjective issues such as policies that have effect on individual liberties,
such as religious liberties, freedom of expression, etc. – if you simply
review the transcripts of his speeches since taking office… our President is demonstrably
the most divisive leader our country has had in our generation. He is certainly
one of the most divisive Presidents in our nation’s history.
President Obama is a total failure in nearly every
measurable way.